Sunday, 29 April 2012

Mushroon with Meat Noodle

Rendang Chicken

材料: From Jenny Blog
肉雞/老母雞          1.2 - 1.6公斤1隻,斬成12塊
鮮榨椰漿             1000豪升
黃薑葉               2片,切成絲
新鮮椰子絲           120克(小火炒成金黄色)`
辛香料: (全部去皮攪碎)
小紅葱               120克
蒜頭                 50克 
紅辣椒乾             60克,浸泡,水煮5分鐘,
小辣椒               20克 
老薑                 20克 
南薑                 30克  (lengkuas)
香茅                 20克,切成片
新鮮薑黃             5克 
1.   把攪碎的辛香料加入雞塊裡醃至少20分鐘。
2.   椰漿倒入炒菜鍋裡煮滾, 加入醃好的雞和黃薑葉, 開中小火讓它煮45分鐘。(途中需要時不時翻炒以免辛香料煮焦,因為椰漿多,出油蠻厲害,記得把多餘的油分去掉)
3.  用鹽調味。最後,加入炒至金黄的的椰絲, 繼續不停的翻炒至汁變濃稠即可。

Corn Muffin

Ingredients :
1/2 c. butter, softened
2/3 c. sugar
1/4 c. honey
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. of salt
1-1/2 c. of all-purpose flour
3/4 c. of yellow cornmeal
1/2 tsp. of baking powder
1/2 c. of milk
shredded corn from 2 cobs

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Fried Noodle


沙葛猪长粉 - Noodles


Chocolate Chip Muffin

>>回到妈妈家看到妹妹做了一个奶油蛋糕, 顶不顺回家也做了12 个 Chocolate Chip Muffin.刚出炉好像不夠甜,隔天比較好吃。

Ingredients (makes 12 muffins)
250g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp best quality cocoa powder
175g caster sugar150g chocolate chips (save 1/4 of the chips for sprinkling)
250ml milk
90ml vegetable oil
1 large egg
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 200 deg C.
2. Put the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa, sugar, and 3/4 of the chocolate chips into a large bowl and mix well.
3. Pour all the liquid ingredients into a measuring jug and mix well.
4. Mix the dry and wet ingredients together with slow and gentle strokes. Stop stirring once the last traces of flour disappear. Do not over mix. A lumpy batter will ensure the muffins stay moist and fluffy.
5. Spoon the batter into paper muffin cases.
6. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 chocolate chips on top and bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are dark, risen and springy.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Tofu Fa

Meat Mushroom Noodles


。。。。很久沒有煮Spaghetti 吃,兩个孩子吃了一碟不夠,再加一碟吃得津津有味。沒想到孩子吃得这么有味。。。。。。哈哈。。。

Monday, 9 April 2012